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Search results for "150 Years Ago In Rockland"


by Brian Jennings 150 years ago this week, the President of The United States dedicated a new cemetery stating, “the world will little note...


by Brian Jennings 150 years ago this week, Rockland County was struggling with what it meant to be an American, reflecting on the meaning...


by Brian Jennings The July 1863 action by the federal government sparked a bloody four-day long riot in Manhattan which took hundreds of lives....


The newspaper business is contracting and editors are blaming everyone but themselves for the reduced readership. 150 years ago this week, the editor of...


by Brian Jennings On June 7, 1862, you can almost imagine the cries of bloody murder in Rockland County from that day’s edition of...


by Brian Jennings 150 years ago this week. there may have been a war waging between Union Soldiers and Confederates in the South and...


by Brian Jennings 150 years ago this week the Civil War waged on — and some of the Union generals decided to take bold...


by Brian Jennings A divisive moral issue that pits neighbor against neighbor and is the talk of the nation. Maybe its a measure of...


by Brian Jennings The headline in the Rockland County Journal demanded readers’ attention. But considering the time at which it was written, it was...


by Brian Jennings On May 2, 1862, the death of Abram Blauvelt, a volunteer from Orangeville in Rockland County, was reported in the Rockland...