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Search results for "Chronicles of Parenting"


If you get a note from your kindergartner’s teacher saying that your child was saying the “F-Word” and the “S-word” at school, pause for...


If you get a note from your kindergartner’s teacher saying that your child was saying the “F-Word” and the “S-word” at school, pause for...

Chronicles of Parenting

by Jocelyn Jane-Cox My son, who is in kindergarten, just started getting homework a few weeks ago. So far, so good. He’s been tasked...

Holiday Card Addenda Holiday Card Addenda

Chronicles of Parenting

P.S. That blur in the bottom left quadrant of this holiday family portrait is our son (now almost five years old). This is the...

best places to hide gifts 2 best places to hide gifts 2

Chronicles of Parenting

You have good reason to feel pleased with yourself if you’ve already made the list, checked it twice, and started running around to purchase...

Leaf Crafts Leaf Crafts

Chronicles of Parenting

It’s that bleak time of year in many parts of the country when trees are giving up, and dropping their leaves like dead skin...

Selling baby items Selling baby items

Chronicles of Parenting

First of all, congratulations on making it through the baby years. Let me offer a second congratulations and a virtual high five if you’ve...

trick or treat multitasking trick or treat multitasking

Chronicles of Parenting

You Can Get A Lot Done While Your Kids Are Trick-or-Treating Trick-or-treating: Our kids look forward to this silly, spooky, candy-grab all year. It’s...

eat your vegetables eat your vegetables

Chronicles of Parenting

The best way to end up with children who will eat vegetables is to offer them only vegetables for the first several years of...

ice cream advice ice cream advice

Chronicles of Parenting

The arrival of summer means that it’s ice cream season here in the United States. Frozen sugary goodness will be purchased, consumed, enjoyed, (and...